Their passion for ministering to the whole child shines through in the communication, course delivery and assessments used as well as the relational development that occurs throughout the year. While our staff is made up of strong unique individuals, STCA is truly a school family where God is the head and His principles are the foundation of this school that Hope built.
"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline." — 2 Timothy 1:7

Tracy Baumgartner
Director of Operations

Kathy Cox
Upper School Teacher

Kathy Lousignont
Lower School Teacher

Sudha Siripurapu
Instructional Assistant

Mitzi Bouillion
Administrative Assistant

Ashley Ellens
Adapted P.E. Teacher

Kati Matthews
Speech Language Pathologist

Tenielle Brown
Lower School Teacher

Eric Johnson
Instructional Assistant

Lisa McNair
Head of School

Cathy Cain
Language Therapist

Lisa Johnson
Instructional Assistant

Paul McNair
Upper School Teacher

Tracy Baumgartner
Director of Operations

Mitzi Bouillion
Administrative Assistant

Tenielle Brown
Lower School Teacher

Cathy Cain
Language Therapist

Kathy Cox
Upper School Teacher

Ashley Ellens
Adapted P.E. Teacher

Eric Johnson
Instructional Assistant

Lisa Johnson
Instructional Assistant

Kathy Lousignont
Lower School Teacher

Kati Matthews
Speech Language Pathologist

Lisa McNair
Head of School

Paul McNair
Upper School Teacher

Sudha Siripurapu
Instructional Assistant
Schedule a Tour
To schedule a tour, or for more information about our school, our mission, or how you can help support St. Timothy Christian Academy please contact us.
A Christian school for children with learning differences