What Others Are Saying About STCA
It’s a great school because I love computers. I am learning about time and how it works, that’s fun! We have a lot of space and time to think. My teacher gives me hard stuff to do and helps me with it. (2nd grader)
I like Mrs. M, she’s my best friend. I like recess and math, counting by 10’s. (4th grader)
I enjoy this school because I like helping friends and having friends. It’s been helping me with my problems. My first year here I was always raging. I’ve learned to manage that because of this school. (5th grader)
I love all my new friends. The teachers love having me here. I like saying, “Hi!” to everybody. (6th grader)
I learn new things. (8th grader)
The teachers work with kids with learning differences, when they need it. They teach what you need to know and when you need to know it. (9th grader)
St. Timothy is a great place to be. It has a great atmosphere. The teachers strive to be like Christ. The teachers care about you. (11th grader)
I like learning self-management. (11th grader)
I love going here because St. Timothy is different from other schools. I learn the Bible here. (12th grader)
Graduates’ Memories
My favorite memory is meeting new people and making friends, which has helped me learn to be more social.
I loved doing the Spring Show and showing everyone what a great school STCA was for me.
My favorite memory was graduation day. This meant all my years of hard work and dedication paid off and I was now prepared to go into the world and make something of myself. Thank you to STCA for the tools needed to be successful in the next chapter of my life.
I enjoyed every day being able to grow and learn with everyone. Learning that a lot of people learn differently and how important it is for everyone to adjust to each other so we could all grow together to expand our fellowship with God and each other, our school’s programs, and our friendships. I use these skills every single day of my life. True leadership is making sure we ALL have success. Not a day goes by where I don’t think how blessed I was to have amazing teachers to go above and beyond teaching, not just my curriculum, but how to grow with God and to make sure I can help others reach that goal.
“One memory that stands out was the first year when we were “knighted.” Actually, it’s hard to narrow down just one good memory because every day at STCA is one to remember.”
We had heard wonderful things about St. Timothy Christian Academy but continued to try working with our son’s public school. After 10 years of little success, we immediately enrolled our son in St. Timothy. He was a changed student within the first week of school. The skills and abilities we knew he had begun to emerge immediately; there really was an overnight difference. St. Timothy has opened up his future because everyone at the school is passionate about equipping, developing, and carefully attending to exactly what each student needs. Choosing to place our son in a private location has required sacrifices within our family; yet we are all celebrating his progress and what that may mean for the rest of his life.
I first became acquainted with Dr. Warren at a Twice Blessed meeting at Christ Church about a year before St. Timothy opened. As the parent of an ADHD son, I was always looking for ways to help us cope with learning difficulties and behavior issues. My son attended public school through the third grade. Each year I could see him become more frustrated with homework and falling behind in learning concepts. He had passing grades, but he just wasn’t getting it. Since he wasn’t failing, special education was not even an option. We resorted to tutoring several times a week, but that didn’t even come close to what a small class size with a caring teacher all day could do. When I heard that St. Timothy was opening, I registered my son immediately…he is now in his 4th year at the school. What a blessing it has been to our family. The teachers at the school do marvelous things and instill Christian principles every day. I only wish Dr. Warren had lived to see his dream come true. It truly is the school for hope!
Our son loves going to school, each and every day, and has for the last three years. The small class size, the academic accommodations made for him based on his ever-changing needs, social skills being taught and reinforced every day have all really made a hugely positive impact on him and on our family as a whole. He feels successful as a student, even though there are areas where he really struggles academically. He feels empowered and it shows in other areas of his life. As a parent, I feel supported by our son’s teachers, the school administration and the other parents who I have met at the school over the course of the last three years. It is refreshing to be able to talk to other parents who share the same struggles that we do and who understand what our lives are like. St. Timothy Christian Academy has been a huge blessing in our family’s life. We hope to be there for many years to come. All of you have made such a difference in our son’s life and in our lives. It has been amazing to us to see the growth he has made in such a short period of time.
St. Timothy Christian Academy has been an important part of our family’s life. Our daughter’s learning differences were not only impacting her school life but also her home and social life. She needed a loving and caring environment where her educational and personal needs could be met. STCA offers an environment with Christian values where students feel welcome, have their individual education needs met; they are valued by the teachers and staff, and they gain a sense of accomplishment. This was evident in our daughter’s experience. Her self-confidence blossomed; she had wonderful friendships and she often randomly said, “I love St. Timothy; it is the best school.” What more could you ask for?
St. Timothy was a safe haven for my son from the turbulent waters of a “traditional” middle school. At St. Timothy, he was able to regain his self-confidence and reset his academic course to success. He was supported, encouraged, and challenged all in a faith-based, grace-filled environment.
What STCA means to me…The blessing of looking forward to ministering each day with our staff, spending time developing relationships with parents and students, and experiencing the joy of students discovering and learning…A school where students are welcomed, accepted, loved, and celebrated; a place where we partner with families to help students grow in all aspects of development toward reaching their potential… Always growing, learning, adapting, and creating as a teacher in order to meet students where they are and make learning accessible to all. The eternal significance of investing in the lives of others for the glory of God and His kingdom.
Working at STCA is not my job; it’s my place of ministry! I love having the opportunity to help children and their parents see the possibilities before them, and I love the sense of fulfillment that I have knowing that I am not only preparing children for independence in this world, but I am helping them prepare for dependence upon God as the source of their success.
This school is an amazing place filled with unbelievably talented teachers and administrators who genuinely love their students. They take seriously their calling and duties as teachers appointed by God to serve His eternal kingdom purposes here on earth at STCA. There are countless stories that I could tell through my own personal experience that give witness to the miraculous wonders of the living God who dwells within the halls and classrooms of this redemptive, grace-filled Christian school. The students who roam the halls and classrooms of our school are uniquely gifted and talented children. They are incredible blessings to our school and the world. All of us here at STCA know that it is in learning to love one another and respecting the unique differences of others that we give hope to one another and bring glory to Jesus Christ.
Our family met Dr. Paul Warren when he diagnosed my children with learning differences. We all came to love and respect this dear Christian man who genuinely cared about helping our children and teaching us how to help them. I had been praying about what to do when my youngest child graduated from high school. When the opportunity opened up for me to join the staff of STCA, I prayed about it and knew God was telling me that teaching at STCA was His plan for my year and I knew I must obey Him. I have been thoroughly welcomed and loved by the amazing staff God has assembled in this remarkable school and am enjoying the students and parents more each day.
As a parent of two children with learning differences, I understand and empathize with the parents of STCA students. STCA is a second home for our staff, students and parents. I feel called to be here to be able to offer encouragement, hope and comfort to our parents. They need reassurance just as their students do that they will not only survive but thrive. STCA is truly an answer to prayer for many families. I feel honored to be part of this school. I can empathize with the parents, hug them, and let them know that their precious child is in a safe and loving environment. Parents are welcomed, nurtured and loved just as their children are.
"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline." — 2 Timothy 1:7
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To schedule a tour, or for more information about our school, our mission, or how you can help support St. Timothy Christian Academy please contact us.
A Christian school for children with learning differences